Exclusive Member Perks & Benefits
Join Greens Club for a chance to score 4 tickets to the Masters, luxury golf trip for 4, a virtual golf simulator, and $40,000 cash!

See how you can improve your golf game
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Avid Golfers Save THOUSANDS
Win Mully’s Ultimate $100k Golf Giveaway!
Join now for a chance to win this amazing prize package! Ends 12/31/24.

Greens Club Partners Benefits
This gets better as we grow. We're slowly accumulating amazing perks from some of the best partners you could imagine in the golf industry. There's no better place to save on your passion than Greens Club.
Partners include:

$800+ Travel Credit
Greens club members save $200/golfer when booking a golf trip for four or more golfers at Far and Sure Tours.

50% Off Club Fitting
When's the last time you were fitted for clubs? Perks like these make it impossible not to do the right thing for your game.

$100 Coupon
We partner with some of the most innovative companies in golf. For example, you can get a simulator on a trailer at your next party.